Every business, whether large or small, relies on its Google Business Profile to attract quality leads and understand its customer base. Reviews play a crucial role in these profiles. If you’ve observed your Google reviews disappearing, you’re not alone.

First and foremost, don’t panic. The disappearance of Google reviews is a common issue faced by many businesses, as acknowledged by Google in the video below.

Still searching for answers? Below are the potential reasons for the disappearance of your reviews and strategies to retrieve them.

1. Review Spam: Google’s Ongoing Battle Against Spam and Inappropriate Content

A significant reason for vanishing reviews is Google’s ongoing fight against review spam. Reviews violating Google’s content guidelines are often removed.

Spam and Fake Content:

Reviews should authentically reflect a customer’s experience and not aim to manipulate ratings. They should also be unique and not replicated from platforms like Yelp or Facebook.


Reviews that contain irrelevant content or unrelated personal opinions can be removed.

Restricted Content:

Reviews promoting restricted products or services, such as alcohol or gambling, may be removed. This includes links or contact details to purchase these items. However, some promotional content, like restaurant menus, may be exceptions.

Illegal Content:

Reviews containing illegal content or activities will be removed.

Terrorist Content:

Reviews promoting terrorist acts will be taken down.

Sexually Explicit Content:

Reviews with sexually explicit material will be removed.

Offensive Content:

Reviews containing offensive language or gestures will be removed.

Dangerous and Derogatory Content:

Reviews that threaten or bully individuals based on various criteria will be removed.


Reviews made under false identities or on behalf of others will be removed.

Conflict of Interest:

Reviews with a conflict of interest, such as reviewing your own business, may be removed.

2. Sudden Influx of Reviews:

A rapid increase in reviews after a long period of inactivity can lead Google to remove some of them.

3. Location-Based Reviews:

Google can identify reviews left from within your store or too far away, which may lead to removal.

4. Google Glitches:

Technical glitches on Google’s end can sometimes cause reviews to disappear.

5. Suspended Profile:

If your Google Business Profile was suspended and then reinstated, reviews may vanish. In such cases, contact Google Business Profile support for help.

6. Algorithm Errors:

Google’s algorithms might mistakenly remove genuine reviews, which cannot be restored once deleted.

7. User Deletion:

Sometimes, users delete their own reviews. Always verify if this is the case.

Recovering Your Reviews is Challenging:

Restoring your missing Google reviews can be intricate and isn’t always successful. Google indicates that reviews flagged for policy violations won’t return.

Our Recommendation for Possible Recovery:

While recovering your reviews isn’t guaranteed, we advise submitting a support ticket to Google Business Profile to address the issue.

Why Managing Your Google Business Profile is Crucial:

Google Business Profiles are indispensable for businesses today, serving as significant lead generators, as evidenced by the increase in calls from these profiles.

If you’re neglecting your Google Business Profile in your SEO strategy, you’re missing out on potential leads and sales.

Optimize Your Google Business Profile with Eprompt:

At Eprompt, we specialize in enhancing online marketing for Medical and Dental Practices. We can assist you in:

  • Boosting web leads and sales
  • Reducing marketing costs
  • Standing out online from competitors

If you’re looking for an agency with expertise in Google Business Profile optimization, reach out to us online or call Eprompt today. Let’s elevate your business together!